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cijfers to text




Hello everybody


I'm trying to convert number to text in dutch but it doesn't work


i had some problem with the calc field when i m trying ( some are good but other doesn't work)

is there someone that can help me to resolve this little problem cose i m not a dutch person ;)

Or there is a example file already done?


In advance thanks u


here is my email in case of


12 answers to this question

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Posted (edited)

Try this custom function:

NumberAsText ( number ; i )

The code of the CF:

If ( GetAsNumber ( number ) < 10^66 ; 
Let ( [ 
number = Filter( number ; "0123456789" ) ; 
Nr = Right ( number ; 3 ) ;  
n = Left ( number ; Length ( number ) - 3 ) ; 
L = Length ( Nr ) ; 
h = If ( L = 3 ; GetAsNumber ( Middle ( Nr ; L - 2 ; 1 ) ) ) ; // Hundreds
t = If ( L > 1 ; GetAsNumber ( Middle ( Nr ; L - 1 ; 1 ) ) ) ; // Tens
d = If ( L > 1 ; GetAsNumber ( Right ( Nr ; 2 ) ) ) ; // Doubles
s = GetAsNumber ( Right ( Nr ; 1 ) ) ; // Singles
th = Choose ( h ; "" ; "één" ; "twee" ; "drie" ; "vier" ; "vijf" ; "zes" ; "zeven" ; "acht" ; "negen" ) & "honderd" ; 
tt = Choose ( t ; "" ; "tien" ; "twintig" ; "dertig" ; "veertig" ; "vijftig" ; "zestig" ; "zeventig" ; "tachtig" ; "negentig" ) ; 
td = Choose ( d ; "" ; "één" ; "twee" ; "drie" ; "vier" ; "vijf" ; "zes" ; "zeven" ; "acht" ; "negen" ; "tien" ; 
		"elf" ; "twaalf" ; "dertien" ; "veertien" ; "vijftien" ; "zestien" ; "zeventien" ; "achttien" ; "negentien" ) ; 
ts = Choose ( s ; "nul" ; "één" ; "twee" ; "drie" ; "vier" ; "vijf" ; "zes" ; "zeven" ; "acht" ; "negen" ) ; 
p = Choose ( i ; "" ; "duizend" ; "miljoen" ; "miljard" ; "biljoen" ; "biljard" ; "triljoen" ; "triljard" ; 
		"quadriljoen" ; "quadriljard" ; "quintiljoen" ; "quintiljard" ; "sexiljoen" ; "sexiljard" ; 
		"septiljoen" ; "septiljard" ; "octiljoen" ; "octiljard" ; "noniljoen" ; "noniljard" ; "deciljoen" ; "deciljard" ) ; 
	txt = 	If ( h > 0 ; th ) & 
	If ( d ≥ 20 and s > 0 ; If ( h > 0 ; "en" ) & ts & If ( d > 20 ; "en" ) ) & 
	If ( d ≥ 20 ; tt ) & 
	If ( d < 20 ; If ( h > 0 and d > 0 or n > 0 and L = 2 ; "en" ) & td ) & 
	If ( L = 1 ; ts ) & p
] ; 
If ( n > 0 ; NumberAsText ( n ; i + 1 ) ) & txt
) ; " ≥ 10^66 " )


[edit]Added a tweak to calculation of the doubles and corrected "achttien" in the "td" variable[/edit]

Edited by Guest
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Thank u menno

Sorry but i haven't filemaker dev so i can't access to the personnal fonction :(

is there a way to have it for a "normal" version?


Btw thanks alot for sharing with me this formula :)

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U right but the idea was to make an calcul field that was more easy that to past from an script

i really appricaite your help for this problem


Hope u can help in just a calcul field that give the result :)


Thanks a lot for your precious help

  • 0

Either the CF or the script would really be the eassiest way. You probably need this calc to create cheques or certificates of some kind. If you absolutely need a calc, then you should break the CF down and start repeating all of the content up to 22 times, into a flat non-recursive function, but that would be very hard to edit or debug ....


Better use the script, in the way I wrote it, it's easy to use for other fields as well. Good luck :P

  • 0

Thank u for your help


A friend set me the CF in the file but it seems to have a mistake


when i set with the script file 153.51 i receive

TEXT : vijftienduizenddriehonderdenvijftien

resultat : driehonderdenvijftien


with the CF



And the result need to be that no?

honderd drieenvijftig euro en eenenvijftig cent


Because i don't speak dutch very hard for me to resolv it :(

Thanks for your time Menno

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The formula i made is for integers only, so you should use it twice:

Once for the integer and the create an integer for the fraction and use it again, so it would something like:

NumToText ( 153 ; "" ) & " euro en " NumToText ( 51 ; "" )

I assume that you know how to disect a number into 2 integers?

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:? Try:

Let ( [ 
    n1 = int ( number ) ; 
    n2 = Right ( 100 * number ; 2 ) ; 
    t1 = NumberAsText ( n1 ) ; 
    t2 = If ( GetAsNumber ( n2 ) > 0 ; NumberAsText ( n2 ) ; "nul" )
] ; 
    t1 & " euro en " & t2 & " cent" 

Most of this is math, a bit of logical reasoning and a tiny little bit FileMaker 8O:D

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In total it maybe took about an hour of my time and I can use this function for my own projects, so you're welcome :D

Right now I am translating this function in english, french and german, to publish it on my blog

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