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FileMaker Certificatie

2 resultaten gevonden

  1. Updated Troi File Plug-in for FileMaker Pro 19.4 adds compatibility with Windows 11 and macOS Monterey Lienden, the Netherlands, Novemder 24, 2021–Troi today announced the immediate availability of Troi File Plug-in 13.1 for FileMaker 19.4. In this major update we added compatibility with FileMaker Pro 19.4, Windows 11 and macOS Monterey. Furthermore we added new functionality and improved several functions of the plug-in. Improved compatibility Tested and made compatible with Claris FileMaker Pro 19.3 and FileMaker Pro 19.4. Tested and made compatible with Windows 11. Tested and made compatible with macOS 12 (Monterey) both on Intel and Apple Silicon (arm64).. New functionality and improvements Improved the Add Drag and Drop Handler script step and the TrFile_DragAndDrop function: you can now add up to 6 different drag and drop handlers. Improved drag and drop functionality of the TrFile_DragAndDrop function: you can now selectively stop handlers in the same file and/or with the same script name. You can specify it like this: TrFile_DragAndDrop( "-StopDragAndDrop" ; fileName ; { scriptName } ) Improved the TrFile_GetAsPlainText function: you can now get the plain text from a PDF in a container field (or a variable with container data of a PDF). Improved the TrFile_CreateThumbnail function. You can now specify any size of thumbnail up to 32767 x 32767 pixels. You no longer need to add the “-AllowAllThumbnailSizes” switch. Improved the Set MetaData of Image File script step and the TrFile_SetMetaData function with the switch “-SetEXIF”. The EXIF tags and data are now added to the image file in numerical order, even if the tags in the metadatablock parameter are out of sequence. Improved parsing of PDFs in the TrFile_GetMetaData function and using the switch “-GetPDFDescription”: The plug-in now can better parse incrementally updated PDFs. Improved the TrFile_GetMetaData function when using the switch “-GetPDFDescription”: the plug-in properly parses UTF-16 encoded fields in the metadata information. Improved the TrFile_GetMetaData function when using the switch “-GetPDFDescription”: the plug-in now shows if the PDF is encrypted and if the PDF contains a cross-reference stream object (as introduced with PDF 1.5). (Windows) Improved returned error codes in the functions that retrieve dates and time from a file, like the TrFile_GetDateCreated and TrFile_GetTimestampModified functions: when the file does not exist these functions now return the documented error code $$-43 (fnfErr; File not found) instead of $$2. Improved the EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12 example file (v1.8.2): improved the scripts which can test your registration string for a Server/Web license on FileMaker Server. (macOS) The Launch File script step and the TrFile_Launch function now can return a more relevant error code when the launch does not work. Bug fixes (Windows) Fixed a problem with FileMaker Pro 19.4, which would freeze the application or return a question mark in some functions. (macOS) Fixed a problem on macOS 12 (Monterey) and FileMaker Pro 19.4, where the plug-in would not show the plug-in icon in the flash dialog. (macOS) Fixed a bug that prevented the plug-in from loading in FileMaker Pro 16 (installing it would result in error code 1550). (macOS) Fixed a problem with the Launch File script step and the TrFile_Launch function, where the launch would not work for files on a AFP network disk. (Windows) Fixed a problem where the TrFile_SelectFileDialog function would not always show the places bar; a simpler selection dialog would be shown. Fixed a bug in the TrFile_GetMetaData function, which would make FileMaker Pro crash or become non-responsive. More detailed information on all changes and improvements implemented in Troi File Plug-in 13.1 can be found on the File Plug-in page. Pricing & Availability A fully functional demo version of Troi File Plug-in 13.1 is available on the File Plug-in page. Licenses cost US$ 99 per user. Details on developer licenses and multi-user discounts can be found on the File Plug-in page. You can order licenses there or from our shop. Upgrade information Version 13.x needs a new registration. If you have a current subscription or if you bought a license on or after November 27, 2020, the upgrade is free. Eligible users have been sent a new v.13 registration. Contact us if you have not received yours. Upgrades from licenses bought before November 27, 2020, are available from US$ 59 per user. Upgrade prices for other licenses can be found on the File Plug-in web page or in the shop. You can order upgrades there.
  2. New FileMaker 19.4 compatible version adds versatile alert dialogs Lienden, the Netherlands, November 19, 2021–Troi today announced the immediate availability of Troi Dialog Plug-in 10.1.1 for Claris FileMaker Pro 19.4. What is Troi Dialog Plug-in? Troi Dialog Plug-in is a very powerful tool for displaying all sorts of dialogs in FileMaker Pro. The text of the dialog and of the buttons can be created dynamically by using a script step or a calculation. All from within FileMaker you can: show an input dialog to let a user input data in up to 20 fields and up to 4 buttons choose these input fields to be any of the following: simple text, password field, popup list or check box show a list dialog or very big text dialog show temporary flash screens show a progress bar for lengthy operations schedule the display of notifications What is new in version 10.1.1? Troi Dialog Plug-in 10.1.1 has the following new functionality and improvements: Added a new Show Alert Dialog script step, which shows a modal alert dialog to the user. On macOS 11 (Big Sur) and later the alert will be shown with the card-like user interface, with most content center aligned. (Windows) Modernized the standard icons shown by all the dialog steps and functions. When using the switches “-NoteIcon”, “-CautionIcon”, or “-StopIcon” the icons are more sharp and follow the user interface of the latest Windows version. Tested and made compatible with Claris FileMaker Pro 19.4. Tested and made compatible with Windows 11. Tested and made compatible with macOS 12 (Monterey). (Windows) Fixed a problem with FileMaker Pro 19.4, which would freeze the application. (macOS) Fixed a problem on macOS 12 (Monterey) and FileMaker Pro 19.4, where the plug-in would not show the note icon in the dialogs. Fixed a problem with the Show List Dialog script step and the Dial_ListDialog function, where long list items would not use the whole width of the dialog and would be truncated. (macOS) Fixed a bug that prevented the plug-in from loading in FileMaker Pro 16 (installing it would result in error code 1550). Pricing & Availability A fully functional demo version of Troi Dialog Plug-in 10.1.1 is available on the Dialog Plug-in page. Licenses cost US$ 59 per user. Details on developer licenses and multi-user discounts can be found on the Dialog Plug-in page. You can order licenses there or from our shop. Upgrade information Upgrading to version 10.1.1 is free for all users of version 10.x. Version 10.1.1 uses the same registration code as version 10.0. The upgrade is also free for users who bought a license for Troi Dialog Plug-in on or after November 10, 2020. Eligible users have been sent a new 10.0 registration code. Contact us if you have not received yours. Upgrades from licenses bought before November 10, 2020 are available from US$ 35 per user. Upgrade prices for other licenses can be found in the shop. You can order upgrades there.
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