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Web Viewer question



Hello FMers :)


I have a question , I'm using the Web viewer to show some custom website and in this website the user need to insert DATES (From and To) manually in 2 fields.

Everything works perfectly fine except that the webviewer is only accepting dates in the american format (MM-DD-YYYY) and if I run the same website in Safari (language set to Dutch) I can insert the dates in European Style.


Is there any way to change the WebKit language from the webviewer ? to accept the european format ...


Installing an European version of FM will work ? ( hopefully that is not the solution :/ )


Thanks a lot in Advance for your help



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It's a SSRS report I created and I want to integrate with Filemaker.


the server is set to European and the Report file it self is set to European as well =)


But on FM webViewer inserting the From and To dates only work the american way :/




PS: sorry to reply in english but my Dutch is still not that good :/

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