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New FileMaker site offers free software for educators


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Apple subsidiary FileMaker Inc. has launched a new site aimed at K-12 administrators and educators. The site offers free, ready-to-use software solutions and information about how educators and developers alike utilize the powerful database technology.


The new education site is featuring Will Lucey, assistant principal at Redwood City, Calif.'s North Star Academy, who uses FileMaker Pro to figure out which enrichment courses should be offered to students. Developer inResonance is also featured -- the company offers consulting services and custom FileMaker solutions to schools and non-profit organizations.


There's more, too -- the site sports links to downloadable FileMaker databases that are free for educators to use, including a student assignment and grade-tracking too, student record database, faculty and staff database and more. The site also includes information about upcoming events and shows focused on educators, details about how educators can purchase the software, and more.

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